Not too long ago, I ran across this juicer.* I have occasionally contemplated buying one to enjoy some freshly expressed juice. This one, although reasonably priced, did not inspire my confidence. However, those with two left feet may wish to take a closer look at this model.

Let's see:
It makes Pineapple Juice, very refreshing
Orange Juice, a very good source of vitamin C
Carrot Juice, excellent for vitamin A
and Beat Juice, for those lacking rhythm.
*Name has been blurred to protect the idiots
In preparation for #45 on my list [Learn to kayak], I present a fairly new acquisition, of sorts:
She's a Hurricane Phoenix 130 and she's on extended loan from a friend. It was remarkably warm here today, so we hauled the 'yaks out for a rinse and rub-down. [My Beloved currently owns a Hobie Quest and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new Kaskazi Dorado II] Now all I need is a paddle, a seat, a PFD and consistently warmer weather.Also due to the beautiful weather today, I went for a run, thus fulfilling my obligations to #43 on the list [Exercise at least 3 times per week]. I was ecstatic to find that I could pick up my Couch-to-5k right where I left off in September. Since tomorrow doesn't look as pretty, weather-wise, I may have to substitute an outside workout with some indoor aerobics courtesy of My Fitness Coach on the Wii.
Okay, so I technically don't have 101 things, but I figure it's better to post what I have than to wait for my list to be complete. Besides, I've been sitting on this since October. These are things I would like to do over the next 1,001 days. My start date is today January 17, 2010, so my finish date will be October 14, 2012.1. Plant a garden2. Get a new tattoo3. Reduce the unnecessary use of "like" and "you know"4. Get a job5. Donate blood6. See 10 French films7. See every movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture8. Collect license plates every summer [Memorial Day through Labor Day]9. Update this blog once a week for the duration of the project10. Keep checkbook balanced11. Stick to a budget12. Go through all my clothes—get rid of stuff that no longer fits/is no longer my style13. Organize all my paperwork14. Officially become a resident of PA15. Get my passport16. Find 10 letterboxes (0/10)17. Send 10 postcards via Postcrossing (0/10)18. Find 10 caches (0/10)19. Send a card to PostSecret20. Send out Christmas cards each year21. Send all close friends and relatives cards on their birthdays22. Join a local church23. Sew at least ten pieces of clothing. (0/10)24. Compile a “cook book” of my mom and grandmas’ recipes25. Make jam26. Make pickles27. Make handmade gifts for my family for their birthdays one year28. Crochet a blanket for our living room29. Make wine [for real this time]30. Catalog all my yarn31. Make a blanket for Project Linus32. Sew a tote bag33. Increase my flexibility enough to touch my toes34. Run a 5k35. Take horseback riding lessons36. Hike part of the Appalachian Trail37. Get properly fitted for running shoes38. Learn to swim in open water39. Complete a sprint triathlon40. Establish and maintain a useful daily routine41. Participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure42. Take a vitamin/vitamin pack once a day43. Exercise at least 3 times per week44. Participate in The Great Island Adventure Triathlon45. Learn to kayak46. Read a book every month ( /34)47. Proactively seek out 10 museum exhibits I'm interested in, and see them.48. Learn to play the cello49. Learn to play the piano50. Relearn to play the flute51. Get my masters degree in Education52. Complete the French textbook I have53. Read 5 French novels54. Learn to type correctly55. Learn to read music56. Become proficient in world geography [countries/states and capitals]57. Become proficient in U.S. History [create a useful timeline/scrapbook/jackdaw]58. Complete the French history book I have59. Get certified as a lifeguard60. Learn more about WWII history [create a useful timeline/scrapbook/jackdaw]61. Read all of Shakespeare’s works62. Get and maintain my certification in First Aid and CPR.63. Compile my family tree [with pictures and documents whenever possible]64. Collect family stories [share them with the rest of the family]65. Get married66. Volunteer at least once a month67. Visit Toronto68. Visit Quebec69. Visit Philadelphia70. Visit New York City71. Participate in Project 36572. Make a dress for each Christmas73. Learn to spin my own yarn74. Bake at least once a month75. Finish Lone Star Quilt76. Make Ohio Star lap quilt77. Make Bear Paw quilted wall hanging78. Knit a sweater79. TBA
80. Learn to make bobbin lace81. Learn to sew in zippers [regular and invisible]82. Learn how to make buttonholes83. Make myself a coat84. Crochet my sisters surprise floor coverings85. Make a corset86. Make pumpkin butter87. Learn to make croissants88. Make my own spaghetti sauce89. Make my sisters messenger bags [0/2]90. Crochet and give away 3 prayer shawls [0/3]91. Learn how to tie 10 new knots [1/10]92. Go to a drive-in movie93. Research women’s studies [create a useful timeline/scrapbook/jackdaw]94. Establish and maintain a useful house cleaning routine95. Swim a mile without stopping96. Improve my posture97. Give myself an at-home spa day at least once a month98. Get a full body massage99. TBA100. TBA101. TBA