Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Remember those gloves that the dapper gentleman in the picture below is modeling? (Go ahead and take a peek...I'll wait.) Well, I finally finished them. The right glove went so well that I should have known that the left one would give me problems. Yeah, I only had to restart the &@#ing thing 10 times. Yes, 10. Of course, now that I've had so much practice, I could probably whip out a pair in my sleep in about 2 days, which is good, because I owe a pair to my sister and a pair to my father. [Sigh] I need to hone my sizing skills a little. The right glove is noticeably larger than the left one and the left pinky is a little too short. I blame that last part on my anxiety to finish the glove. In any case, I will post pictures as soon as I unload all my pictures from summer vacation from my digital camera.

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